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Sense of Humor

I don't think I would survive in this house without a sense of humor lol. This family is crazy! Of course, the craziest one of them all is Jayden! Haha. From spraying his yoohoos everywhere to trying to pull the air conditioner out of the window, this boy makes a million messes a day. I would probably lose my mind if I didn't laugh it all off! Some days, he's on the hunt to destroy everything from the second he wakes up until the second he finally goes to sleep, which as you know by now, could be 36 hours or more lol.

Although I find it good to laugh about things Jayden does, it also helps in mine and David's relationship. Every day is filled with screaming, head hitting and banging, and all the rest of the chaos that Jayden often brings lol, so we truly try to make the best of it. Of course, if someone stood outside our front door all day long they would probably think we hated each other lol. Let's just say our sense of humor may not be for everyone. Lol.

Ever since Jayden's behavior got worse, our relationship has been tough. We have not spent time together alone since 2008 when I was pregnant with Jayden, and we usually sleep at different times, so we have not slept in the same bed in about 3 years. Even when we did sleep in the same bed, Jayden slept in bed with us due to all of his issues plus the seizures. Hell, David and I do not even talk to one another about important things for weeks at a time because Jayden takes up all our time. This is where having fun and joking around come into play. We have an odd sort of relationship. We can get into an extremely heated argument to where we both want to kill each other, but 5 minutes later we are moved on and laughing. That is just how we do things. Fight it out, state your peace, get over it and move the hell on. Something we fought about today, no matter how big or serious it was, won't ever be brought up again. We have both learned that our lives are too insane to waste the time that we do have arguing. So we laugh. We laugh about shit that we shouldn't be laughing over, we laugh about things no other sane person probably would, and we laugh about laughing at everything lol. As I said, we have an odd relationship lol.

This carries over with Krysta as well. She knows this family is a crazy shit show, so she joins in on the laughing as well lol. She also tries to join in, on the whole, argue about it now never speak of it again thing too, but that doesn't really work when you're dealing with a 16 year old lol. They tend to not only try to avoid bringing up what they did wrong but also their punishment as well lol.

Anyway, my point of this post tonight (at 3:30 am while hiding in the bedroom closet lol) is to remind you to laugh more! Have fun with the crazies in your house because time moves so quickly. Don't waste your time getting upset over non-life changing situations, just learn how to laugh about them. Before you know it, the kids will be graduating and moving out of the house, and you'll be looking back on memories of things that they did laughing wishing you could do it all over again. I promise you, those memories will be so much better if you remember laughing until you peed about something they did rather than a memory that includes you getting mad because they dumped an entire yoohoo on your clean sheets lol.

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