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School and Family

Jayden trying to do my homework for me lmao.

(Jayden doing my homework for me lmao)

School and family. Man, how does that shit even go together, right? It isn’t easy in this house lol. Trying to work on my dissertation, attend live meetings, and giving oral presentations via the computer are not very easy when you have Poocasso (that word courtesy of Kim Less-Dickerson Ha ha) ready to explode and smear it everywhere in any given second lmao. Ugh, I remember one time I was attending a live meeting with my dissertation chair and other students of hers, when suddenly I had to get the hell out of here. I sent her a quick email saying, “my son is smearing poop everywhere, I gotta go!” And I wasn’t lying. That boy was in the process of covering himself from head to toe in freshly made shit! I have no clue if my chair believes me, but if you are reading this Dr. T, I have pictures if you need them for verification purposes! Ha ha ha.

So many times, stuff like this has happened, and I just have to try to go with the flow. The shit flow! Lmao. Oh, I crack myself up sometimes. 😊 Two days ago, I did my proposal presentation, and against my better judgment, I stayed home instead of going to the neighbor’s house to do it. I thought, okay, he has been great all morning, I should be able to hide in my little office for an hour, right? Do I even fucking know this family? You would think that I just stepped into the Mom role yesterday! Who in the hell says, oh yeah, Jayden will be good for an hour for me to do this!? Me, that’s who, stupid me! Honestly, though, there was no poop smearing, but there was screaming, crying, and David’s big mouth trying to sing over the screaming and crying. Oh lord, did that end up on the recording of my presentation? Did my committee hear all the craziness going on in the background? I have no fucking clue. If they did, they ignored it lol. I guess I will find out once I can listen to the presentation. Ha!

I could go on for hours about things that happened during the last 8 years of my schooling with this crazy family and especially the wild child, Jayden! But my point of all this is to say this, if you want to go to school, DO IT! Stop making excuses! Trust me; if I can make it work, anyone can make it work! I always hear this from other moms, but listen, just go do it! Stop thinking about it, stop making excuses, stop saying you don’t have time, stop with it all! Get your ass out there and get moving on making your dreams come true! I promise nothing bad will come out of achieving your dreams!!!!

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